Saturday, September 2, 2017

Where's August?/September's Happiness

Soooo I started a new job in August and my happiness project was put on hold. I was full throttle on my new teaching job. I looooove my new teaching job but it did eat up my time for a whole month. I am back on track with my happiness project for September!

In July, as part of my try something new, I started recording my first few podcast episodes with my BFF Hilary. I had to take some off in August to concentrate on my new job but we are planning to launch in September. I also listened to the latest Death Cab for Cutie album and pretty much memorized all the words to the songs(and learned one on uke!).

Yay! September! Fall is in the air. September is Wesley month. He chose all of these activities. So here's what I'm doing this month: keep track of everything I do for one week, hike 2 times, and create a memory scrapbook.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

July is in Full Swing

June was so fun! I finally learned ukulele after owning one for three years and finally learned how to braid my hair after basically wanting to know how to do that my entire life. Check out my Instagram for my interpretation of I Will Follow You Into the Dark with some cute hair braids. I also planned the classes I am going to take in cake decorating once I have a little more $$$ in the bank from when I am teaching again.

July was supposed to be travel but I don't think I am going to be able to do that(and not sure I have it in me as I have made several 3 hour trips to the beach house and back with moving and such). I am going to do November's theme instead, which is try something new!

In this month, I am going to start a podcast(yep, really! This has been in the works for a little while now in preparation for completing this within the year I do my happiness project and it's looking like it will become a reality very soon), try a new athletic activity, and listen to new music. I am thinking I might try an aerial silks class or rock climbing. I also want to listen to some new Indie music.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

June Here We Go!

I cannot believe we are already in June! This year honestly feels like it is flyyyyying by! I am happy summertime is here though!

I didn't formally do a May month. I originally wanted to focus on career and business. I wanted to take a course, set up a dedicated distraction free zone, sign up for a new certification, and redo my website. I actually finished my website in April and I started a new course on Instagram. I decided not to sign up for a new certification because I am actually going to go back to teaching so there's no need right now to start something new. May was a super busy month for me, both professionally and personally. So, that's where a lot of my time went this past month. I am going to be moving in about a week back to Raleigh so I will be setting up my distraction free zone there(I'm getting a new desk! Eep!).

For June, my goals were to take two new classes, learn one new braid for my hair per week, and learn ukulele. Since I am moving and there will be expenses in that plus a month without salary, I may not have enough funds to take two new classes. My goal is to at least plan two classes I will take within the next year. I have always wanted to learn I Will Follow You Into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie so that is my goal to learn on uke this month!

Braids I'm learning:

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Whew! March was a tough month but I made it. My computer is clean. I deleted over 25 gigs of data just out of my downloads file. While I didn't quite put the cleaning schedule in place that I thought I would, I did read the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up and it is indeed changing my life. But I realized that the process from that was going to take longer than the month of March for me. I am glad I seem to have found something that is finally going to work!

In April, I am going to focus on relationships. My goals are to contact an old friend, call my family more often(I am going to aim for more than once a week with my mom and call my pop-pop and sister on the phone at least once), write someone a hand written letter, and develop a system for remembering birthdays.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

March Mid Month Update

Whew! This has been a tough month for me. It's definitely area I struggle in but I am making progress. I have officially gone through all of my downloads on my computer and freed up 20 whole gigs of space. The last half of the month I am going to work on more organization(and more clearing) of my computer docs. I got the recommendation of a book titled The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and I'm starting to dig in. It seems like it is going to be super helpful. I've done tried cleaning for 10 minutes after work(rather than marathoning it on my day off) and that has seemed to help.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

March - Organization

February has come and gone! Even though my goals for February were a little ambitious(seriously, what was I thinking?! - I didn't even write 10 good poems in one semester in college), I gained a lot from it. I wrote for the first time in forever, played my flute, and even painted, something I've always wanted to do but never did because I didn't want to be graded. It was fun to focus on my creativity, something I've neglected since being out of college.

I painted this myself! :-)

In March, I am going to focus on cleaning/organization. I skipped this month to do something "fun" in February to recharge but I am ready to get my life organized. My goals are to set up a cleaning schedule, use the one minute rule (anything that can be done in under a minute, do it right away), and clean up my computer files. I'm going to use this weekend to research and set up my cleaning schedule and then implement the rest of the month.

This area is definitely one of my weaknesses and I'm excited to take it on and develop new habits.

P.S. My morning routine and daily yoga practice are still going strong from January. :-)

Friday, February 17, 2017

Mid February Update

My creative month is going pretty well. I have started a few poems - I realized that 10 in a month was kind of ambitious seeing how I barely did 10 in an entire semester in poetry class. I am going to finish what I can without forcing anything. The main thing is, I am writing again and it feels great. I have been practicing my flute and making steady progress on my beat box piece. I have scheduled a wine and design painting for the 27th and I am super excited about that. I've always wanted to paint but never took a class while I was in school or college because I didn't want to be graded. Feeling the creative juices flowing this month!