Sunday, July 2, 2017

July is in Full Swing

June was so fun! I finally learned ukulele after owning one for three years and finally learned how to braid my hair after basically wanting to know how to do that my entire life. Check out my Instagram for my interpretation of I Will Follow You Into the Dark with some cute hair braids. I also planned the classes I am going to take in cake decorating once I have a little more $$$ in the bank from when I am teaching again.

July was supposed to be travel but I don't think I am going to be able to do that(and not sure I have it in me as I have made several 3 hour trips to the beach house and back with moving and such). I am going to do November's theme instead, which is try something new!

In this month, I am going to start a podcast(yep, really! This has been in the works for a little while now in preparation for completing this within the year I do my happiness project and it's looking like it will become a reality very soon), try a new athletic activity, and listen to new music. I am thinking I might try an aerial silks class or rock climbing. I also want to listen to some new Indie music.