Thursday, March 16, 2017

March Mid Month Update

Whew! This has been a tough month for me. It's definitely area I struggle in but I am making progress. I have officially gone through all of my downloads on my computer and freed up 20 whole gigs of space. The last half of the month I am going to work on more organization(and more clearing) of my computer docs. I got the recommendation of a book titled The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and I'm starting to dig in. It seems like it is going to be super helpful. I've done tried cleaning for 10 minutes after work(rather than marathoning it on my day off) and that has seemed to help.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

March - Organization

February has come and gone! Even though my goals for February were a little ambitious(seriously, what was I thinking?! - I didn't even write 10 good poems in one semester in college), I gained a lot from it. I wrote for the first time in forever, played my flute, and even painted, something I've always wanted to do but never did because I didn't want to be graded. It was fun to focus on my creativity, something I've neglected since being out of college.

I painted this myself! :-)

In March, I am going to focus on cleaning/organization. I skipped this month to do something "fun" in February to recharge but I am ready to get my life organized. My goals are to set up a cleaning schedule, use the one minute rule (anything that can be done in under a minute, do it right away), and clean up my computer files. I'm going to use this weekend to research and set up my cleaning schedule and then implement the rest of the month.

This area is definitely one of my weaknesses and I'm excited to take it on and develop new habits.

P.S. My morning routine and daily yoga practice are still going strong from January. :-)